How to cut a long story short


Don’t feed the birds

“Don’t feed the birds” is inspired by life in the parks of China.

You’d often see elder men carrying birds in cages hanging them in the trees to enjoy a beautiful day in nature.

The wood structure is derived from the traditional shape of pagodas.

At the center top of the structure is a solar panel to power an audio speaker, which is triggered by a motion sensor 

The speaker repeats an audio file composed of samples recorded in the Hong Kong Park Aviary where 550 different species of birds coexist on a small space. The most prominent sign across the park said: “Don’t feed the birds”

In the recording process, previous recordings were played back to the birds and recorded again. A question and answer game started and the various recordings were layered on top each others.

The fireplace in the bottom center is built with bricks retrieved from demolished farmhouses nearby. 

The installation of “Don’t feed the birds” is located in countryside of Sichuan 1400km away from Hong Kong. 

Thanks to its autarky design, whenever there is movement, it still plays sounds of the birds of Hong Kong to the birds of Sichuan.

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My mind is a cage.

It gets bigger with every breath of my brain,

and smaller,

grasping the eternal outside.

What strange potential lays in the unknown?

How loud the chatter when intruders waltz in?

For a short moment i thought i could lift off,

loose my weight

and sing.

The “Tile Spiral” spiral is a sculpture made of steel bars and traditional roof tiles, retrieved from nearby demolished farmhouses.

It’s shape reminds of an ascending dragon, a prominent icon in asian mythology


Tile Spiral

Houses in the old times were less secure.

People invented ways and beliefs to keep out and scare away the evils spirits.

One of the methods were to produce scary faces on parts of the buildings.

Some of those faces you see in the end of the roofing tile arranged in a spiral.

Today the tiles get produced and printed in mass production and they loose their individual power.

They became a meaningless form that can be reproduced till eternity.

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